Sunday, February 15, 2009

It all comes down to Intelligent Design...or does it?

And so the question still stands: Evolution or Creationism?

Personally I think both sides can argue pretty effectively. I believe intelligent design could be behind the world's existence. Who is to say that it could be wrong unless something else is proven 100% correct? I'm not christian or religious in any sort of way but I believe there could be some supernatural all powerful being that created the world. Evolution has argued this for many years and that's what we have come to learn when it comes to science class. We don't question it but it's simply given to us by our science teachers and we read it in science it must be right? Wrong. The classroom has never explored intelligent design because there is no real "evidence" behind it. 2/3 Americans believe that humans were directly created by God. Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species" seems to be the answer for scientists, but only 22% of humans believe they evolved from species.

Everything needs to be doubted because not everything is correct from the get-go. We are constantly changing and evolving and what if evolution was not the truth but we were so accustomed to the idea of it that it became the truth? Everything in our bodies operate at the same time and there is a sense of order in our bodies and the world. We are all born as perfect humans: innocent, not corrupted, everything working perfectly. There's a sense of going from order to disorder. In the end we all die. Is this how someone designed the world to be? We all go into disorder unless energy is applied. Unless we work. The cells in our body eventually degrade overtime and stop working. The body is like a machine and if we can make watches now, who's to say someone else did not make us? It's no simple natural selection in which we are randomly chosen whether to die or live, isn't there a possibility that everything runs so smoothly because someone made it this way? If you think about it evolution is devolving and humans are getting worse and worse as time goes by. People are becoming over weight. People are dying from world hunger and killing themselves with anorexia, things that were not even possible before. We are devolving and doesn't that show order to disorder? That someone, Intelligent Design, is controlling everything and maybe we're not thinking outside of the box but we're trapped inside it?

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