Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Father...Daughter...One Book

Galileo's daughter, Maria Celeste was essential to his writings because she was the one that basically kept him alive in his old age. She helped him out a lot when they were living in Florence. She was the one that always had her fathers back when it came down to illnesses or being sick. She watched over him in his old age and was the one who watched out for his health since it was clear he did not watch out for his own health. She told him not to drink to much and was the one that gave him his medication and meals. She basically took care of his health and well being so that he could continue to write. Even during the Bubonic Plague she seemed like she knew enough about science that her and the nuns cleaned themselves with vinegar and washed their clothes in vinegar hoping to not catch the plague and she helped out her father too so that he would not fall ill to the disease.

Maria Celeste also gave her father advice when he had to go upon the Inquisition. She gave him advice for trial and told him to keep his mouth shut and just go along with whatever the church wanted of him to spare his own life. Galileo's daughter was his very own editor as well. She was the one that motivated his writings and they had a good relationship on an intimate working level. She corrected and edited his manuscript, cutting and preparing it in confidence. Without her, Galileo's manuscript would have been extremely unorganized. She was able to edit his work even though she did not have a real former education. She knew the sciences fairly well for a nun. Ultimately without Maria Celeste, Galileo's daughter, Galileo himself would not have been able to write The Dialogo.

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